Thursday, November 29, 2012

Long-Term Science Questions:

1. What is Richard Lenski studying and why does he think it'simportant?                                                                         A dozen bottles of bacteria. he started with 12 identical flasks, full of identical bacteria, would they all change over time in the same way.

2. What is Telewski studying and why does he think it's important?
Growth of plants in a bottle.
                                                                                                                                                                       3. What benefits do you see in performing long-term scientific studies like these?                                                               There are many great benefits if people study long term science they will figure out more ways to be healtier.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


  1. Your answers are too short.If you add a couple more sentences it could make it complete.Some sentences don't make sense.If you fix the grammar i think it will be fine.

  2. For number 1 you didnt write what he was testing and why was he doing the experiment. For number 2 you could have added about that what beals question was and what he thought about beals idea. Then for number three you learn about cures for diseases and for seed germinations the scietist learn from that. You should fix some grammar errors and think longer about your sentences. then i t will be perfect, or else good job!

  3. For next time think thoroughly before doing it because your grammar is not clear and your sentences are so short, just extended them a bit k 8)

  4. I think you should add more information on your questions because some of your question are not answered correctly. For example, number one it's asking " What is Richard Lenski studying," but you did'nt asnwer what he was studing but wrote what he was using for his studies. Also go through and reword your sentences.

  5. You should add more sentances.Also you need to make the sentances more detailed.Number one is wrong because you only answered half of the question.You did not answer why does he think it is important

  6. 60. Your answers were not thorough and in the case of the second question, you didn't answer both parts.

  7. You should add more sentances. Also you should say his purpose and what he did it for. Maybe next time go through and check again.
