Monday, November 5, 2012

1) What was the title and URL of the article you read? Color-changing robot

2) Do you have any questions about anything you read in the article? If so, what are the questions? yes.where can color changing robots be founds.

3) What did you find MOST fascinating about the article? Tiny tunnels like blood vessles run through  robots skin.

4) What did you learn?                                                                                                                                 Robots have color changing abilityand how they funcuction 

5) Why was the science found in the article important, in your opinion? it is important because scientist created color changing ability for robots.

6) Any additional comments? no

1 comment:

  1. It was a very interesting article but your analysis of this article is unclear by your response here. I'd like to see you go much more into depth with these assignments.

    grade: 60
